Crimson In the Cowee

Crimson In the Cowee

ASHWIN KINGFISHER’s hand is holding roughen rubies explaining their discovery and purpose.



ASHWIN KINGFISHER’s hand is holding roughen rubies explaining their discovery and purpose. He is a young 20s Cherokee man who prefers the modern ways of the white man’s world. He speaks with the authority and style of a great educator.

The following conversation is heard with only his hand holding the stones.

ASHWIN KINGFISHER: (V.O.) Rubies and sapphires are metamorphic rocks altered by temperature and pressure without remelting.

Children’s voices are heard responding.

 DARK-GLASSES BOY: Oh, brother, I thought I left school behind.

ASHWIN KINGFISHER: Made of Aluminum Oxide, rubies are a variety of corundum. It’s coloration is due to some chromium replacing some of the aluminum.

CUTE MOHAWK BOY This is boring. Can’t we just start panning for gems? I’ve got to pee.

Now we see Ashwin lecturing to the young people ignoring their comments. He continues.

ASHWIN KINGFISHER: Rubies are measured in carats like diamonds, but good quality rubies with higher carats can bring higher prices than diamonds of the same size.

LONG BLOND-HAIRED BOY: Mr. Kingfisher, are you really an Indian? How come you’re not wearing war paint?

Looking disgusted, Ashwin changes his disposition.

ASHWIN KINGFISHER: I’m about to put some on just to run you out of here.

A full picture of several young children are looking at Ashwin’s hand. All of them are standing beside the water flume of the ruby mine.

ASHWIN KINGFISHER: (CONT’D) How do you kids expect to learn what gems look like if you don’t get the right facts?

He looks at all the kids looking at him.

They all give him blank expressions.

ASHWIN KINGFISHER (CONT’D) Alright. Go get your buckets and sieves and find a place away from one another and start sifting.

Excited, all the children leave him to find buckets and sieves.

ASHWIN KINGFISHER: (CONT’D) Man! How I hate kids.

The children then find a place on the water flume to sift for gems.

Ashwin looks over at one of the mine’s employees, CURT, and speaks.

Handing out buckets and sieves, Curt smiles at Ashwin.

ASHWIN KINGFISHER: (CONT’D) I should have known better this was going to be a baby-sitting job. Curt, what do you think the Summers are going to do with this place?

CURT: Well, the mines and the campground are not turning out the profits it use to. I wouldn’t be surprised if they decided to up and sell it before long.

ASHWIN KINGFISHER: That’s what I’m afraid of. I need to decide what I’m really going to do with my life.

Attention focuses on several of the children along the flume line sifting their buckets of dirt. Their eyes are glued to their boxes as if the largest gem was going to reveal itself.

 MONTAGE -- One young boy pulls a large quartz stone out of his tray -- One young girl runs her fingers through the dirt playing with it -- One young man pulls a small whistle out of the dirt. He runs the whistle over the flowing water and then WHISTLES on it. END MONTAGE.

 One YOUNG KID appears to be pulling back on a slingshot loaded with a large rock ready to hit another boy panning.

A large hand suddenly grabs the leather-trapped stone ending the opportunity to fire the projectile. Standing there is Ashwin looking at the kid.

 ASHWIN KINGFISHER: (CONT’D) These stones are not weapons. Quit fooling around. The

Young Kid leaves the scene.

One YOUNG GIRL becomes so absorbed in her work that she does not notice a person coming up beside her. Slowly, her attention is diverted. She looks over at him.

A local drifter, WALT SASSMAN, old and sinister looking, frightens her.

YOUNG GIRL: Awwww----!

Everyone at the mine stops what they are doing to watch the Young Girl and Walt.

Ashwin moves over to see what is going on.

ASHWIN KINGFISHER: What’s the matter?

YOUNG GIRL: He scared me.

ASHWIN KINGFISHER: What are you doing here, Walt? You pick the worst times to show up.

At first, Walt doesn’t speak. He moves his eyes and facial features as if trying to communicate something.

ASHWIN KINGFISHER: (CONT’D) Go on! It’s my job to take care of these kids.

WALT SASSMAN: You are disturbing ancient Indian grounds that were blessed to appease the Great Spirit. Any stones taken from this stream is desecration.

Moving close to Ashwin, Curt speaks to Walt.

CURT: Walt, this is not story telling time. Stop this foolishness now!

WALT SASSMAN: The ghost lights will appear again over the waters of the Cullesaja because of this unworthy act. They are a warning from the souls of the long departed Cherokee of impending retribution.

Curt steps forward and right into Walt’s face accompanied by Ashwin.

He motions to him with his finger to shut his mouth.

CURT: Shh---! What do you want to do? Scare these children from ever coming to this mine and campground again. Go on.

Walt, looking moody, walks off the scene.

Becoming scared at the horrifying appearance of Walt, several of the children approach Ashwin to stay in his company.

KID ONE:  What was he talking about? If he’s coming to the campfire, I’m a noshow.

KID TWO: Me, too. He’s like a bad dream from a horror movie.

 KID THREE: Thank goodness! I was afraid he might lead us in devotions.

Ashwin smiles and laughs.

ASHWIN KINGFISHER: You kids go on back to panning. He’s harmless.

All of the children go back to panning.

 Ashwin looks at Curt and then at Walt walking away. His expression changes from a smile to a serious look.

Writer of screenplays, short stories, comedy sketches and comic travels.


I am truly more than just a writer of mixed genres. I love acting and and enjoy hearing the laughter while being a humorist. I can sing tenor and have various skills in joke delivery from monologues at open mikes to sketch comedy presentations.


Although I love writing in general, my primary wish is to become an accomplished screenwriter. My vision is to find a unique pathway to connect and interact with potential producers/production companies since Hollywood is bombarded with thousands of up-and-coming achievers like myself.

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