Visions in the Tunnel

Visions in the Tunnel

Calvin enters the fitness facility. It is smaller than the one Yvonne uses, but has state-of-the-art equipment.


 Calvin enters the fitness facility. It is smaller than the one Yvonne uses, but has state-of-the-art equipment. Beautiful people walk around everywhere. Posters adorn the place featuring young women and men striking yoga poses.

 Scattered about are large blown-up photographs showing starving children from third world countries. Slogans under them display the phrase “Save a Child’s Life. Please Give To the Ministries Program of Body/Mind Fitness of Virginia.”

 JAN ROTHROCK, a toned, blonde bombshell, makes eyes at him smiling and waving. She could be the perfect female except she looks too perfect.

 Calvin smiles back.

 She approaches him to speak.

 JAN: You’re new here. I hope you might be interested in learning yoga. It’s my specialty.

CALVIN: I’ve died and gone to heaven.

 At that moment another woman walks up to him and introduces herself, MELISSA BUCHANAN. She is also beautiful, aged in her thirties, and speaks with an air of authority.

MELISSA: Are you here for beginning yoga? We’ve got classes or individual training.

Calvin nervously speaks up.

CALVIN: I think so. I don’t know what’s my best option. My daughter thinks I’m not exercising enough.

MELISSA: Well, you’ve come to the right place. We’re a Class A workout facility to help you shed inches and stress. Our program will last six weeks either way.

 JAN: You’ll get a discount if you sign up with me today.

Calvin makes eyes again at Jan.

She makes eyes in return.

Melissa notices the attraction.

MELISSA: Would you like to have Jan be your personal yoga fitness trainer?

Starting to flirt he speaks to her.

CALVIN: Sure. My name is Calvin. I bet your name is Angel.

Melissa notices that Calvin’s mind is sidetracked.

MELISSA: Jan, take this gentleman to one of our workout rooms and show him how we operate. I’ll check in on you later.

Smiling, Jan takes his hand and leads him into a workout room. New age music is playing from a nearby sound system.

JAN: My name is Jan Rothrock. And I’m a far cry from an angel.

Calvin’s face beams with excitement.

JAN: (CONT’D) First, you’ll have to take off some of these clothes. She watches as he takes off his shirt and shoes.

JAN: (CONT’D) How about your socks?

Calvin does as he is told not breaking much eye contact.

CALVIN: My feet don’t look as nice as yours.

Jan smiles. She then comments on his long khaki pants.

JAN: Your pants are too tight. You’ll need to start wearing loose clothing?

Calvin nods okay.

JAN: (CONT’D) We’ll get by this time. Next time wear some shorts.

 Jan shows him his first yoga pose.

 JAN: (CONT’D) This is the downward facing dog. Watch me. We’ll learn this one first.

Calvin watches making bizarre facial expressions.

She gets up pulling Calvin to his feet. She moves his body into the position.

He exhibits trouble getting into the proper form because of his weight.

JAN: (CONT’D) Don’t you really want to take off those bulky pants? We’re adults here.

Calvin is now smiling like a kid eating ice cream with a frozen smile.

CALVIN: Someone might walk in. How do I explain that? You might have to help me move downward. I’ve got too much pouch.

She takes her soft feminine hands and moves his body into the proper form as much as possible.

He strains.

Jan is close enough for her tank-top breasts to push against his body.

CALVIN: (CONT’D) How can I concentrate like this?

JAN: Now close your eyes. Listen to me. Clear your mind of all things except for a spot in space.

Calvin opens his eyes slightly catching a glimpse of Jan’s tank top almost in his face.

CALVIN: How can I stare into space when I’m being hit by asteroids?

Jan ignores his remark and continues.

He closes them again.

JAN: Your mind is now free to roam the universe. Let the stars of space and time lull you into a peaceful relaxed state of consciousness.

He stops and rises to stand straight up.

CALVIN: I’ve got to go to the bathroom. Don’t leave.

 Jan gives him a questionable look.

Calvin leaves the room smiling.

Writer of screenplays, short stories, comedy sketches and comic travels.


I am truly more than just a writer of mixed genres. I love acting and and enjoy hearing the laughter while being a humorist. I can sing tenor and have various skills in joke delivery from monologues at open mikes to sketch comedy presentations.


Although I love writing in general, my primary wish is to become an accomplished screenwriter. My vision is to find a unique pathway to connect and interact with potential producers/production companies since Hollywood is bombarded with thousands of up-and-coming achievers like myself.

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