The Eyes Have It

The Eyes Have It

Ryland and Annika Easom had always wanted to own and operate a small store being entrepreneurs since college graduation.

Ryland and Annika Easom had always wanted to own and operate a small store being entrepreneurs since college graduation. Having gone through several home-based businesses together and on their own, the time had come to try their hand at buying a small existing business and finally settle down.

After answering a classified ad in an unusual circular that made its way into their mailbox, they both were intrigued and excited to move to another location and put down roots. Without doing their homework, they had met with the previous owner of a business weeks earlier in their own home. The departing general store owner appeared more than excited to be getting rid of the business. Now looking back he even appeared nervous, gave into their every wish concerning closing costs, and left their presence somewhat in a hurry without exchanging proper closing remarks.

A few weeks have now passed since the ink had been dry on all official documents transferring the business and property to the Easoms. Although the couple had viewed many photos and a video of the general store provided to them, they had not actually visited the property located in a remote area of Maine.

Finally arriving there in this quaint, charming community for their first visit, everything looked new and exciting on the grounds of the general store. It truly had the charm of a typical mom and pop store to display clothing, hardware, cooking supplies, and a grocery to the local citizens as well as travelers or hikers.
By the time Ryland and Annika had finished surveying their investment and inventorying the store and grounds, they thought it was time to visit a local eatery. Their first surprise was not finding any fast-food restaurants for miles. Also strangely, since the sun was setting and light was fading fast, they soon noticed that no one was walking the sidewalks on this early June day. Quite unusual for a mountain get-away town that at first glance gives you the impression of the fabled "Mayberry" from the Andy Griffith show.

Walking down the simple sidewalk from the store, they came across a large, old-style wooden restaurant and lodge made of spruce, pine, and fir. The woodwork on the 1950s building definitely looked like a rustic, old fish-camp building from by-gone days weathered and split. Now, walking upon Ryland and Annika Easom had always wanted to own and operate a small store being entrepreneurs since college graduation. Having gone through several home-based businesses together and on their own, the time had come to try their hand at buying a small existing business and finally settle down.

After answering a classified ad in an unusual circular that made its way into their mailbox, they both were intrigued and excited to move to another location and put down roots. Without doing their homework, they had met with the previous owner of a business weeks earlier in their own home. The departing general store owner appeared more than excited to be getting rid of the business. Now looking back he even appeared nervous, gave into their every wish concerning closing costs, and left their presence somewhat in a hurry without exchanging proper closing remarks.

A few weeks have now passed since the ink had been dry on all official documents transferring the business and property to the Easoms. Although the couple had viewed many photos and a video of the general store provided to them, they had not actually visited the property located in a remote area of Maine.

Finally arriving there in this quaint, charming community for their first visit, everything looked new and exciting on the grounds of the general store. It truly had the charm of a typical mom and pop store to display clothing, hardware, cooking supplies, and a grocery to the local citizens as well as travelers or hikers.

By the time Ryland and Annika had finished surveying their investment and inventorying the store and grounds, they thought it was time to visit a local eatery. Their first surprise was not finding any fast-food restaurants for miles. Also strangely, since the sun was setting and light was fading fast, they soon noticed that no one was walking the sidewalks on this early June day. Quite unusual for a mountain get-away town that at first glance gives you the impression of the fabled "Mayberry" from the Andy Griffith show.

Walking down the simple sidewalk from the store, they came across a large, old-style wooden restaurant and lodge made of spruce, pine, and fir. The woodwork on the 1950s building definitely looked like a rustic, old fish-camp building from by-gone days weathered and split. Now, walking upon the entrance of the covered porch, anyone could tell that there had not been any painting or maintenance work done in years.

Once inside the front door, everything looked normal at first. A simple "Seat Yourself" sign apparently took the place of a hostess. Once through the front foyer, they noticed many people in the dining room area conversing and eating. The people had the looks and dress of being from many places. There were Asians, Caucasians, African-Americans, and Middle-Eastern looks. No one appeared to look their way or even glance casually in their direction. Most strangely, there was no wait staff maneuvering between tables seeing to customer's needs or coming back for drink refills.
They approach one table of eight people. This group looks like an assortment of adult friends having fellowship at first. Then, Ryland and Annika noticed that they were talking to one another without making sounds like it was only a silent language.

Annika looked at Rylan showing disturbed eyes. Rylan looked back at her showing a similar expression of concern. Ryland then decides to present himself and Annika to the group. "We're new in town and just want to get to know some of you."

The people at the table continue talking to one another as if the couple didn't exist. Rylan tries again, "We've opened up a trading post up the street from the previous owner. Would like for you to come by in a few days when we have the groceries stocked."

The people at the table continue talking in silent language as if Ryland and Annika were invisible. Annika is now nervous. She speaks to Rylan in a low breath, "I'm starting to feel strange here. Let's go." They start to move towards the front door when Annika feels the need to visit a restroom.

"Ryland, just wait here for a few moments while I go to the restroom. I don't think I can make it back to the store without taking a pee." Annika soon spots the women's restroom close to the entrance. She takes a quick look inside, looks back at Ryland, and then enters the tight enclosure letting the door quickly swing shut behind her caused by a rusty spring.

Ryland, then looks back into the dining room to view some of the diners sitting, chatting and animating with one another. He approaches another table with a group of mixed race adults. They appear to be talking to one another in various languages. Ryland walks up to them and tries to start a conversation. They don't acknowledge his presence.

Ryland motions his right hand in front of several people seated at the table. Their eyes don't even appear to notice the distraction. It's as if his presence was only an illusion. Then he speaks, "Do any of you realize that I'm trying to get your attention?"

No one at the table changes their interaction with one another. Ryland then looks out over the lodge again. He then realizes that there is not a single child or senior citizen present but only somewhat middle-aged individuals that look like their presence is frozen in time. He starts to feel sick on his stomach like he is the only rational human being in the world.

He immediately goes to the women's restroom to find out what is delaying Annika. He knocks on the door. She does not answer. He knocks a second time and speaks up, "Annika, come on, let's leave this insane asylum." She still does not reply. He opens the door to the old single seat toilet. Annika is gone.

Now feeling overwhelming panic he starts speaking out loud to anyone that will hear him. "Would someone please tell me what is going on here? Annika, where are you?" At this moment he hears only the distant muffled sounds of people talking in the dining area.

Instinctively, he panics further and starts running through the corridors of the lodge screaming, "Annika! Annika!" He passes multiple tables of people talking among themselves still not paying attention to his presence. He pops his head in between the animated heads of a man and a woman talking to one another. Their eyes appear to stare right through him as if he was thin air.

Writer of screenplays, short stories, comedy sketches and comic travels.


I am truly more than just a writer of mixed genres. I love acting and and enjoy hearing the laughter while being a humorist. I can sing tenor and have various skills in joke delivery from monologues at open mikes to sketch comedy presentations.


Although I love writing in general, my primary wish is to become an accomplished screenwriter. My vision is to find a unique pathway to connect and interact with potential producers/production companies since Hollywood is bombarded with thousands of up-and-coming achievers like myself.

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