Stranded In Timeshare

Stranded In Timeshare

As they both stand behind a desk counter, MASON is talking to a RESERVATIONS WOMAN.


As they both stand behind a desk counter, MASON is talking to a RESERVATIONS WOMAN.

MASON: Have you ever felt bad when you've told a lie?

RESERVATIONS WOMAN: I used to when I was a child. But today it just doesn't seem to matter.

MASON: I just can't imagine you saying that. Don't you have a conscience?

RESERVATIONS WOMAN (SARCASTICALLY): Well, yeah. But if it doesn't matter to anyone else, why let it bother me?

Mason starts to make a response when a stray cat runs into the building. It looks around as if planning a move.

RESERVATIONS WOMAN (CONT'D): Quick, Mason. Catch that cat. Mr. Estepp will have a fit if he catches animals in here. It's a strict policy.

Mason takes off chasing the cat, who seems to outwit him. It takes off into a stairwell where a door has been propped open.

He chases the animal up several flights of stairs. At the fifth floor, it squeezes through a doorway wedged open by a cleaning cart. He enters the fifth floor to find the animal.

In front of room D510, the cat finds a small toy to play with. Mason reaches down cunningly to grab the cat. The cat seems totally obsessed with the toy, not noticing Mason's hands almost upon it.

A voice seems to come out of nowhere.

PAM: Well, my dreams have come true. You're one good looking man.

PAM, a forty-something cougar, is right upon him, looking down at him. Her voice is deep and authoritative.

MASON: I'm sorry this cat ran up here. I'm trying to get it out of the building.

PAM (SMILING): That cat's brought more luck to me than a rabbit's foot.

Their talking brings PATTY, Pam's roommate, to open the door and see the action. She has a higher pitched voice and is also obsessed with men.

PATTY: Well, Pam, looks like you've been out hunting.

Mason picks up the cat.

MASON: I'll just get this cat out of the way for you.

PAM: No! Don't leave so soon. We've got a problem you've got to help us with.

Pam pushes Mason while Patty pulls him into their unit. The cat jumps out of Mason's arms and runs away down the hallway. Once inside, Pam closes the door behind them.

MASON: Ladies! I really must be going. I'm working part-time downstairs.

PAM: That's okay. Estepp will understand. We needed you for something.

MASON: What's the something?

Patty looks at Pam. Pam looks back at Patty.

PATTY: We're going to have to let him know sooner or later. What's your name, young man?

MASON: Mason! Mason McKnight.

PAM: Oh, he's a mason. My dad used to be a mason. Now he's a Shriner.

MASON: No. I'm not that kind of mason.

PATTY: Don't be silly, girl. He must be the kind that lays bricks.

Pam takes hold of Mason's hands and checks them out carefully.

PAM: Not with hands like that. He's an inside boy.

PATTY: Mason! Before you go could you see what's wrong with our light fixture in the bedroom? We've tried to get this broken bulb out of it, but we're afraid we might get electrocuted.

MASON: Well, I'll give it a try.

Pam leads the way into the bedroom, followed by Patty and Mason. Once inside, Mason sees a small ladder placed at the foot of the bed. He walks over and observes the broken bulb in the fixture.

He ascends the ladder to the top step.

Stretching to reach the fixture, he can barely touch it.

MASON (CONT'D): I don't think I'm tall enough to reach that light.

At that moment, Patty pushes Mason forward, causing him to fall onto the bed. Pam immediately jumps on top of him, turns him over on his back, and holds him firmly on the bed as if wrestling.

MASON (CONT'D): What the hell is going on here? Let me up! Help!

PAM: Keep those comments down or you'll be here a long time.

Patty has moved to tie restraints around Mason's wrists and ankles, binding him to the bed.

MASON: I'm calling Mr. Estepp. Security! Police!

PAM: Just hold your horses, sweet boy, and you'll be out of here. We're going to play a little game.

Pam gets off of Mason now that he is restrained. Patty moves to get some equipment. The equipment is a new, portable USB lie detector kit.

MASON: What game?

PAM: Truth or consequences!

MASON: What the hell?

PAM: Just listen. I'm doing a study for my master's degree in psychology about how easy it is to lie. You've got some questions to answer. 

MASON: Get out of here! Someone help me! I'm a prisoner.

PAM: You need to lower your voice and listen. Any more outbursts like that and Mr. Estepp will be told you harassed us. That you exposed yourself to us. If you want to get in trouble, just keep resisting.  

Mason tries to relax and stop fighting against his restraints.

Patty hooks up the polygraph system to Mason's finger.

MASON: What are you going to do with this equipment?

PAM: We're giving you a polygraph test.

MASON: What for?

PAM: To see if you're an honest man. Now calm down.

Patty observes the polygraph, which is now properly hooked up.

PATTY: I'm ready. Give it a try.

The motion of the polygraph needle on graph paper is now in a low, tight sine wave pattern.

Pam observes Mason calming down.

PAM: Now that's more like it. Okay, let's start. Are you an honest man?


Patty looks at the graph paper. She speaks to Pam.

PATTY: Believe it or not, he's telling the truth.

PAM: If you have a girlfriend, are you faithful to that woman?

The computer screen remains calm.

PATTY: He's still telling the truth.

MASON: I don't have a girlfriend.

Patty observes the visible reaction on the polygraph.

PATTY: He's still telling the truth.

PAM: I'm impressed. Have you had fantasies while having sex?


The computer screen goes wild in sine motions.

PATTY: He's lying.

Writer of screenplays, short stories, comedy sketches and comic travels.


I am truly more than just a writer of mixed genres. I love acting and and enjoy hearing the laughter while being a humorist. I can sing tenor and have various skills in joke delivery from monologues at open mikes to sketch comedy presentations.


Although I love writing in general, my primary wish is to become an accomplished screenwriter. My vision is to find a unique pathway to connect and interact with potential producers/production companies since Hollywood is bombarded with thousands of up-and-coming achievers like myself.

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