About Whit Whitley

About Whit Whitley

My name is Whit Whitley, a fortunate nickname that became my verbal recognition thanks to a friend of my mother’s when I was a small child. The nickname “Whit” has also been a dilemma when I was growing up and especially as a student in college. I had to always repeat it to other people that I guess figured “who would call themselves such an oddity.” Many of those cohorts at times called me a variation of that nickname that you’d recognize as a well-used cuss word meaning “excrement” for those that don’t get the joke.

Actually, named William Lee Whitley, Jr. from my father, I use only that name on official documents like traffic tickets and wanted posters. I have always loved the entertainment world since my first ventures to movie theaters and watching TV. I actually started early as a toddler with my brother, John, peeing through an accordion wooden-gate showing off my sexual equipment to any cars passing by the house. Even my former first career as a funeral director was in reality “show business” since I had to look sharp, look like I knew what I was doing, and be seen leading families into and out of church/chapel services. Most funeral directors like myself have had numerous incidents although not humorous at the time, ended up being the “fodder” of funny stories and anecdotes later on.

I pride myself on learning many crafts that have made impacts on myself and others in life. I was fortunate enough to realize early on that I had talents and untapped resources somewhere in my inner-most being that had to find a way out. Shyness soon became non-existent in my life. Writing was a talent and skill that I didn’t master until I was totally free from my college education. Instead of writing term papers, critiques on literary works, or early tries at creative writing under pressure of being graded, I finally found my niche after years in the working field like it was a bubble coming up out of a deep liquid vessel finally breaking the surface and popping with new-found potentials.

At first it was just comedy which I desperately needed in my long career as a funeral director. Somehow, I found time to study the craft of writing comedy. I also credit some of that success from my years taking the Comedy Zone’s Stand-Up Comedy Training thanks to Joel Pace. My friendship with Reid Leonard, artistic director of Piedmont Players in Salisbury, NC opened up many new avenues for me to play unique and strange characters usually with a comic presence.

I have to date made a few DVD video shorts of which I wrote, starred and produced. I have also written nine screenplays, multiple short stories, twenty-something comedy sketches, and started my direction into comedy travel. My two books are now on the market available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble online, Action Stories Hollywood Overlooked and Stories Hollywood Overlooked. I plan to also offer a third volume next year in book form that I have already complete entitled, Fantasy Stories Hollywood Overlooked.

Who knows how long I may have to go before some fortunate producer/production company finds my writing material the perfect direction for showcasing his/her credits and financial opportunities. I feel that I have great inspiration, energy, and creativeness in my work that will eventually catch on with some Hollywood power brokers. In the meantime, I will be continuing to add to my repertoire of mind-captivating, odd, sensual, comical, beyond-belief, salivating-for-the next scene, creative spectacles. You don’t want to miss out. Check back often.

Independant Tribune - Laughter And Tears

Funeral Director Saves Jokes For The Stage

Whitley In The News

Hollywood and hopes to go back with a screenplay


Music of the Night Phantom of the Opera Performed by Whit Whitley

Whit Whitley Comedy

4th Musical Comedy Variety Show - 2011

Story's Students

PonderQuest Entertainment, LLC. Presents Story's Students With Whit Whitley

Six Powerful Screenplays

Six Powerful Screenplays In One Overwhelming Package Deal

David L's Fresh Faces Comedy

Club Alive in NODA, Fresh Faces Comedy show with Whit Whitley

Whitley's 4th Musical

Whit Whitley's 4th Musical Comedy Variety Show - 2011

Writer of screenplays, short stories, comedy sketches and comic travels.


I am truly more than just a writer of mixed genres. I love acting and and enjoy hearing the laughter while being a humorist. I can sing tenor and have various skills in joke delivery from monologues at open mikes to sketch comedy presentations.


Although I love writing in general, my primary wish is to become an accomplished screenwriter. My vision is to find a unique pathway to connect and interact with potential producers/production companies since Hollywood is bombarded with thousands of up-and-coming achievers like myself.

Learn More About Whit